Rainforest Remedies has changed the lives of people everywhere!
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The Birth of Regenerate R. Bub Cronin (CEO Rainforest Remedies)
The Birth of Regenerate R...In April of 2014 Bub Cronin (CEO Rainforest Remedies) tore his meniscus playing basketball. The Orthopedic doctor said it was severe and could only be repaired via surgery. Believing that most all physical ailments can be repaired through natural protocols, Mr. Cronin was motivated to research various herbs and natural organisms that support joint, cartilage and soft tissue problems. The end result was Regenerate R.
After taking Regenerate R for a month the knee pain ceased and normal movement returned. A trip back to the Orthopedic surgeon for his pre op revealed complete restoration, and the surgery was cancelled. The office also returned all of the original fees. Mr. Cronin is back on the basketball court. -
Carl Dennis
Over 20 years ago I damaged my knee in a freak accident. I was fortunate to have a great surgeon that was able to do major repairs. 20 years later I was mobile, but had aches and pains that limited my activity. Two months ago I was introduced to an all natural product called Regenerate R. Since taking this product my pain and discomfort have vanished. I can still shovel snow, and I’m able to take a 20 mile bicycle ride three times a week. I have shared your product wit others, and I hope they have the same relief from pain that I have experienced using regenerate R capsules. -Carl Dennis
Lori-Ann Oliver, MD Yale School of Medicine
I have always had heavy menstrual periods and I often blacked out on the first day of my menstrual period ever since I was a child.
My periods usually lasted for 5-7 days and during that time I would suffer from severe abdominal distention accompanied by pain and diarrhea.
I soon learned that Motrin worked well for this sort of pain and began taking it once I began having any sort of menstrual cramps.
As with any drug,once you start taking it, I required even higher doses to manage the pain.
At one point, I was taking up to Motrin 800 mg PO Q 6 hours around the clock.
The round the clock NSAIDs was beginning to cause gastritis and severe heartburn and gastric reflux and I started taking omeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor to manage my reflux symptoms.
My sister ordered Genesis from Rainforest remedies and noticed significant improvement in her overall pain particularly abdominal pain.
So, I decided to take it to see if it would help with my menstrual pain.
After taking this medication, I soon realized that my menstrual pain was painless, and I started to cut back on my usual dose of Motrin.
After about three days on Genesis, my abdominal and menstrual pain was completely gone. I told my gynecologist of my dysmenorrhea and she had previously recommended starting me on a birth control pills to improve my symptoms.
By the time I saw her again, told her about this new herbal medication I was taking that not only treated my menstrual pain but made my menstrual cycle more regular.
My gynecologist then indicated that she believes that this herbal remedy was equivalent to the standard birth control pills that she prescribes and that she believes in these remedies as a part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).
Ever since that time, I have been taking Genesis every month for my period pain.
I went from taking high dose of NSAIDS to taking only 1-2 tabs of Motrin ( 200-400 mg) per day at the start of my period and none by third day.
In fact, this medication is even more effective if you take it a few days before the menstrual cycle starts and whenever I take it prophylactically would only require a 1-3 tabs (600 mg)of Motrin for the entire duration of my period.
I would seriously recommend this to anyone who is suffering from dysmenorrhea and significant menstrual pain.
This medication is excellent also for those with fibroids,as I was told I had two small fibroids that remained small since I have been taking this medication. -
-Jodie Anne Oliver MD. (Yale New Haven hospital)
I sustained a wrist injury in 2014, where I tore two ligaments in my left wrist after slipping backward on black ice. One ligament was in my thumb and the other ligament was torn off the scaphoid bone. I was lucky that I did not have a scaphoid bone fracture, which would have required immediate surgical intervention, but my surgeon was worried about poor wound healing as ligamentous injuries are difficult to heal due to poor blood supply. I was out for months undergoing conservative treatment, but it was taking longer for me to heal. As a pediatric anesthesiologist the use of my hands are very critical to my profession and this injury could have resulted in a career-ending injury. He was concerned and said that if I didn’t get back to work in 6 months, that I may never go back to work. I needed to find a way to boost the wound healing and so I started to search for supplements proven to help with this. I was getting frustrated as I had purchased and tried several supplements for joint and cartilage repair and did not find any improvement. After speaking with one of my colleagues at work, I was encouraged to try some of the herbal supplements made by a company called NBA Research Group, which was based in Florida. My colleague’s sister had miraculous results with regards to her sickle cell crisis pain. Sickle cell crisis pain is severe and happens when red cells sickle and change shape, clump together and block vessels that carry oxygen to organs, muscles and bones. It is very difficult to treat so I was very intrigued and I decided to call NBA Research Group. My colleague gave me Bub Cronin’s phone number, who is the owner and creator of this company and now operates Rainforest Remedies website, where these products are sold. Bub answered my call and I was surprised by how engaging and informative he was. We discussed my injury in detail and he made me a recommendation for me to use Regenerate R, which contains sea cucumber, cats claw and hyaluronic acid, which have been shown to escalate wound healing. I took 2-3 capsules 3 times per day for 3-4 months religiously and within the first month I immediately noticed a difference in my pain. I was undergoing PT and had neuropathic pain from this injury and was started on gabapentin, which I was having trouble tolerating due to the side effects. I noticed improvements in wound healing and there was less burning pain in my wrist after I started taking this supplement. I was able to tolerate vigorous PT sessions and I noticed that I recovered faster after each session than I did before starting this supplement. I had a complete loss of grip strength in my left hand. I was able regain grip strength in my hand and I was able to return to work within 6 months, which is miraculous given the nature of my injury. My surgeon was pleased that I was able to return to work without the need for surgery and it is my belief that this supplement helped me with wound healing. I would recommend anyone with an injury to try adding this product to their treatment regimen as often times, we are not able to obtain all the necessary nutrients required for wound healing through foods alone. Be sure to check with your physician before you start any supplements. But if you are looking to speed up their recovery, then this is the supplement for you. If you have arthritis, joint damage or cartilaginous damage then you definitely want to try Regenerate-R. I recommend taking twice the recommended dose for that extra boost, which will help you speed up the healing process.
My old dog is running around again thanks to Regenerate-R (for pets), really helped alot
-Thanks, Tom -
-Thomas Junge, DDS, MSD, (Seattle, WA)i
“Oral Hygiene from Rainforest Remedies is a must have tool in order to achieve optimal oral health, which cannot be done at the dental office exclusively.”
My dog is moving a lot better now
had joint problems for a long time now
but after taking Regenerate-R (for pets)
she's doing pretty good.
-Thanks, Penny -
Can’t thank you enough. I have a cat rescue and “Stone Buster (for pets)” has been a miracle for me. Its worked on large cats and even kittens. It has cleared out kidney stones with in 24 hours to a couple days.
-God Bless, Mary -
Dear Bub, I can't thank you enough for all you have done for me and my cat. I talked to you in Orlando in December and told you my cat was suffering from passing kidney stones. This fall she was in terrible pain and i took her to the vet. After x-rays confirming kidney stones, injections for pain, pain killers, new food and hundreds of dollars later my cat was still in pain. After receiving a container of "Stone Buster (for pets)" she found permanent relief in 2 days. Now, she is over 17 years old and I can tell she is feeling like "her old self". She sits on my lap more now than she has ever done. Thanks you again, Bub. I will always be grateful for your help.
-Jerry, Palm Bay FL -
At the end of summer 2014 I stepped in a hole walking and broke the small bone in my right knee and tore my meniscus. I ignored the pain in my knee and kept pushing forward. In the meantime I started taking Regenerate R daily. I did this regularly for about 5 weeks. At the beginning of October, My husband suggested I see my orthopedic surgeon for consultation. He discovered my knee was almost healed. I did not need surgery. I was given instructions to come back in six weeks for follow-up. Regenerate R created a miracle! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! -Irene (Syracuse, NY)